Safety Tips for on line Dating

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Safety Tips For Internet Dating

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Online dating or Internet Dating is very popular these days. But while dating online has the advantages in its own, over the period of time this has been misused and is corrupted by many disadvantages. Online Dating is fun and convenient but still one has to be very careful while dating with someone they hardly know. Here are some tips following which may help you in safe and sound online dating.

Start slow. While dating over the net, watch out for someone who seems too good to be true. Begin by first communicating solely via email. Be on the lookout for odd behavior or inconsistencies. "Listen" to your correspondent's words. The person at the other end may not be who or what he/she says. Trust your instincts. If anything makes you uncomfortable, walk away for your own safety and protection.

Guard your anonymity. Never include your last name, real email address, personal Web site URL, home address, phone number, place of work, or any other identifying information in your profile or initial emails you exchange with other members. Make sure your email signature file is turned off, or does not include identifying information, when corresponding with a member via your own email. Stop communicating with anyone who pressures you for this information or attempts in any way to trick you into revealing it. Take all the time you need to become comfortable with someone before revealing any personal contact information. Ask questions and make sure you are satisfied with the answers. Trust your instincts, move cautiously and be selective.

Exercise caution and common sense. Careful, well-thought decisions generally lead to better results in dating, and this is certainly true with online dating too. Guard against trusting the untrustworthy. Any suitor must earn your trust gradually, through consistently honorable, forthright behavior. Your job is to take all the time you need to test for a trustworthy person, and pay careful attention along the way. Take a relatively conservative approach to trusting anyone you meet online. If you think someone is lying, it is likely that they are, so act accordingly. Move on to someone you can eventually trust. Conduct yourself and your romances in a responsible manner. Don't fall in love at the click of a mouse. Don't become prematurely intimate with someone, even if that intimacy only occurs online.

Request a photo. A photo will give you a good idea of the person's appearance, which may prove helpful in achieving a gut feeling about your correspondent. In fact, it's best to view several images of this person in a variety of settings: casual, formal, indoor, outdoors. If he or she continuously comes up with an excuse, it may be because that person has something to hide. Getting a photo scanned is not expensive, so there is little excuse for not doing it.

Red Flags of Online Dating
Online dating in a medium where faith in a potential partner is being put at an all-time high risk, it is important to know if you're stepping blindly. If you're considering an online dating, or are currently in one, there are a few things you should be prepared to look out for. While each situation is unique, and it is important to go by your instinct, the following list should help you spot any red flags you might encounter.

RED FLAG#1: Personal Information
If the person is sharing or asking for personal information in the very first few meetings, that should be considered seriously. No matter how friendly the person is, considering online dating a little bit unsafe, one should in no case share or force the partner to share the personal information. Who knows if there is any truth in what is being shown to you. So always be on safe side and never disclose the personal information unless you are satisfied with your partner's information. Also don't send your photos. To be on safe side, while chatting or talking use some fake or made up name and also the email address should also be fake.

RED FLAG#2: No solid contact number
They do not have any solid contact numbers. If any of the following situations sound familiar, be prepared to further investigate the possibility of a situation you may not be aware of.

a) You progressed to contact them over the phone, but the problem is you can't ever contact them!
b) You have to page them for them to call you back. Only they will call you but you cannot.
c) They use a separate line. If so, try calling their main line at random times.
d) You can only call during certain periods of time. Again, if this applies to you, try calling at different time periods to see who answers the phone.

RED FLAG#3: Asks for financial help
Since you are dating only online, your relationship is not that deep yet your date is asking for financial help. Asking for funds may destroy the relationship which could become a long lasting relationship in future. If you or your date asks for money, it may show that the person's financial condition is not very sound which may push you away from your partner. Avoid getting into financial trouble by following a simple rule; "don't lend or borrow money".

RED FLAG#4: The efforts to continue the relationship
Are you the only one making an effort in altering your lifestyle to have this dating relationship ongoing? Do you notice no efforts on other's part? This is a telltale sign of things to come if you develop an off-line romance. You should be aware of the fact that no relationship exists for long with solely one person's efforts. If you find this happening to you, talk about it to your partner and ask them to meet you half way in your efforts.

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